Wednesday 30 June 2010

Made with Love px

When I started this blog I thought it would all be about my love of art, however as I am a busy girl with my studies as well as trying to get all my crafty projects squeezed in, my poor blog gets lonely and has been a little neglected. So I started to think whilst enjoying a lovely coconut milkshake the other afternoon how when I create something a little piece of me is embedded within my work, hence 'Handmade with Love px' and if you knew how long I waited for my lovely milkshake you would understand my surprise and delight when it finally arrived and I realised that lots of things are made with love and I decided to incorporate this into my blog!

So here is my gorgeous and long awaited coconut milkshake...

I hope to find something every day that has been made with love and share the beauty and creativity of others with you.

You could taste the love px

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